Ph-ang's Private Property
strangers keep away
Sunday, January 31, 2010
有 多 久 没 见 你

以 为 你 在 那 里

原 来 就 住 在 我 的 心 底

陪 伴 着 我 的 呼 吸

有 多 远 的 距 离

以 为 闻 不 到 你 的 气 息

谁 知 道 你 背 影 这 么 长

回 头 就 看 到 你

过 去 让 它 过 去

来 不 及 从 头 喜 欢 你

白 云 缠 绕 着 蓝 天

如 果 不 能 够 永 远 都 在 一 起

也 至 少 给 我 们

怀 念 的 勇 气

拥 抱 的 权 利

好 让 你 明 白 我 心 动 的 痕 迹

总 是 想 再 见 你

还 试 着 打 探 你 的 消 息

原 来 你 就 住 在 我 的 身 体

守 护 我 的 回 忆

Friday, January 29, 2010
I passed driving today. I didn't feel as happy as I thought I would; the joy I felt was muted. I guess this was exactly the sort of thing I would have called to tell you immediately after it happened. (passing driving not feeling muted joy) I still remember you were supposed to be my first passenger. In fact I think you were looking forward to me passing more than myself hahaha. Last time I had you but no license; now I have a license but I no longer have you. :/

So after that I made a half-hearted attempt to buy clothes for Chinese New Year. My mother has been bugging me to buy clothes but she always refuses to back me up financially. I've kind of lost whatever little interest I had to begin with in shopping as well because nothing caught my eye. I guess it does help when someone tells me not to get another striped polo to add to the stash in my cupboard or forces me to try on something because she thinks it's nice.

Sometimes I still wish you'd be waiting for me outside my house when I come home after a crappy day.

The adage 'too much of a good thing' is true. Everything in life needs to be in moderation - we can't always fly at dizzying heights and bask in exhilaration and joy and similarly, we can't always wallow in the depths of sorrow and despair. I'm not just talking about the emotional aspects but also the physical ones of course.

Recently, I've developed a sort of aversion to sleep. I know it seems ridiculous, considering that everybody always has too little sleep. Yeah but I guess it's precisely because I have too much time to sleep that sleep isn't a precious commodity anymore. I remember those school days when everyday would be a mad rush and waking up at 615 in the morning was a bitch. Well I wake up at 715 in the morning now and I get the luxury of not turning up at work whenever the occasion dictates that I don't. So I'm bumming around online at night doing zilch.

I've never really heard any of Taylor Swift's songs besides 'Teardrops On My Guitar' and 'Love Story'. Well I heard quite a lot of them today. And I must say that they suck. The lyrics to a few of the songs are fine but the tunes are all messed up. The songs are completely mangled bubblegum pop. Terrible. Give me mandopop anyday. Speaking of which there's only so many times I can go for walks with an ipod. It's getting kinda boring actually. Oh well until I find something else to do.

Sunday, January 24, 2010
I know something's really fucked when I've lost interest in Pokemon cards.

Saturday, January 23, 2010
And we know it's never simple, never easy,
Never a clean break, no one here to save me.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I wonder if you still think about me the way I think about you.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Writing in my diary didn't make me feel any better.

Monday, January 18, 2010
有 一 种 想 见 不 敢 见 的 伤 痛

有 一 种 爱 还 埋 藏 在 我 心 中

我 只 能 把 你 放 在 我 的 心 中

这 一 种 想 见 不 敢 见 的 伤 痛

让 我 对 你 的 思 念 越 来 越 浓

我 却 只 能 把 你 把 你 放 在 我 心 中

Sunday, January 17, 2010
想 念 是 会 呼 吸 的 痛

它 活 在 我 身 上 所 有 角 落

哼 你 爱 的 歌 会 痛

看 你 的 信 会 痛 连 沉 默 也 痛

遗 憾 是 会 呼 吸 的 痛

它 流 在 血 液 中 来 回 滚 动

后 悔 不 贴 心 会 痛

恨 不 懂 你 会 痛

想 见 不 能 见 最 痛

我 发 誓 不 再 说 谎 了

多 爱 你 就 会 抱 你 多 紧 的

我 的 微 笑 都 假 了

灵 魂 像 飘 浮 着 你 在 就 好 了

我 发 誓 不 让 你 等 候

陪 你 做 想 做 的 无 论 什 么

我 越 来 越 像 贝 壳

怕 心 被 人 触 碰 你 回 来 那 就 好 了

能 重 来 那 就 好 了

Saturday, January 16, 2010
I've removed most of my posts that I posted this year. I haven't deleted them, I've just un-published them. So they're still around somewhere.

I'm contemplating starting a diary to pen down all my thoughts and emotions. Things that go through my head and my heart. Where I can really write down everything I feel.

我 怀 念 的 是 无 话 不 说

我 怀 念 的 是 一 起 作 梦

我 怀 念 的 是 争 吵 以 后

还 是 想 要 爱 你 的 冲 动

我 怀 念 的 是 无 言 感 动

我 怀 念 的 是 绝 对 炽 热

我 怀 念 的 是 你 很 激 动

求 我 原 谅 抱 得 我 都 痛

我 记 得 你 在 背 后

也 记 得 我 颤 抖 着

记 得 感 觉 汹 涌

最 美 的 烟 火

最 长 的 相 拥

谁 爱 得 太 自 由

谁 过 头 太 远 了

谁 要 走 我 的 心

谁 忘 了 那 就 是 承 诺

谁 自 顾 自 地 走

谁 忘 了 看 着 我

谁 让 爱 变 沉 重

谁 忘 了 要 给 你 温 柔

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Had an absolutely torrid day at work today. I have an ulcer at the back of my throat so it hurts like crap whenever I try to swallow saliva or eat. And for some reason my stomach has decided to rebel today so I feel like hurling as well.

So basically I am depressed as fuck now. Mood is terrible. Not angry terrible but just sucky terrible.

Thursday, January 07, 2010
I read through my old posts yesterday after I blogged. And I realised that my old blogging style was witty, sarcastic, humorous, self-deprecating and basically interesting. Ok maybe i'm giving myself too much credit here but even I myself was amused when I read through my ramblings. Maybe, just maybe I can find my old style back one day. Until then, all of you (on a side note I think I might be becoming schizophrenic because the only person who actually reads this is myself and I certainly do not constitute 'all of you' unless i am more than one person but that would be impossible unless I were schizophrenic in which case I'd be more than one person mentally but still only one person physically) will have to put up with this.

I watched Polo Boys and The Pupil just now. Polo Boys was um, um. Yeah I can't really describe it. I bet it's gonna be a happy ending with the team defeating their arch-rivals. The Pupil was slightly better. Witty. I like witty shows. Adrian Pang and Janice Koh are awesome. And it was good to see Vadi once more, even if it wasn't in person. He reminded me of J1 econs lessons which were fun.

Listening to 'Love Hurts' by Incubus now. I remember you told me once long long ago that it was your favourite song.


Phang & Mervin



The Kampong Days

April 2006

May 2006

June 2006

July 2006

August 2006

September 2006

October 2006

November 2006

December 2006

January 2007

February 2007

March 2007

April 2007

May 2007

June 2007

July 2007

August 2007

September 2007

October 2007

November 2007

December 2007

January 2008

February 2008

March 2008

April 2008

May 2008

June 2008

July 2008

September 2008

October 2008

November 2008

December 2008

January 2009

February 2009

January 2010

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March 2010

April 2010

May 2010

June 2010

July 2010

August 2010

October 2010

February 2011