Ph-ang's Private Property
strangers keep away
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Today was a good day. Went biking with Chew Zhaoying today. Borrowed his foldable Halfway bike. The bike's really called Halfway and I think it's because once you fold it it becomes half the size. Hahaha. Ok that was lame-ass.

Anyway today's 2 hour plus bike trip revived the cyclist in me. Yup I've forgotten how much I love cycling. The Halfway bike was smooth no doubt, but it didn't have like the rough and tough qualities of my old bike. (which by the way is one wheel into the scrapheap no doubt thanks to its faulty chains and rusted exterior) Even cycling across cobbled streets proved to be a challenge. And the seat was a bloody rock my ass hurt pretty bad throughout the ride.

Contrast this with Chew's 440 dollar Giant bike. Frontal suspension and snazzy gears. Which proved to be completely useless as Superman flew off his bike on the way to Jurong East. Just in case you're wondering he's all right though.

Anyway I know how much I've been talking about stuff that I want and how they never materialise. Well I need a new bike. Mountain bike with frontal/double suspension. Well to be honest I'd prefer it to be darn light but bikes like that usually cost heavy. 1K plus I think. And my budget is 300 plus. Haven't really seen any suitable candidates except one Polygon one at some shop near Bkt Timah. And it's not really in a nice colour. Red and white. Not too spiffy. Yeah probably going to go bike hunting soon.

Watched the F1 race just now. Well part of it. Watched the last few laps at home. 61 BLOODY LAPS AROUND THE SAME CIRCUIT. Full marks for creativity no doubt. Still, the cars are snazzy and well ok fine, they're cool to the max. I'm half tempted to buy an F1 car model and display it in my room.

And Alonso won hahaha. You know it's seriously a joke. All the hype about Felipe Massa being the favourite and boom he finishes 13th! Which is basically last since he's the last guy to finish (the rest all OUT) I think. No idea how he screwed up though I missed it.

All right that's all for now. FYI, I'm still waiting for people to offer to sell me their Pokemon cards.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Amazing isn't it. 7 and a half years since this photo was taken. Sure brings back lots of memories. Looking at the photo, I'm suddenly transported back to pre-renovated, pre-snazzy, old-school (pardon the pun) Henry Park Primary. It's hard to imagine that many of my happy memories were encased in a dilipidated crumbling white container, a sorry excuse of a classroom no doubt, but it's true.
There's really nothing like being a kid without a care in the world.

If you discount the PSLE and well, trying to get his crush to like him back. Hahaha.

Saturday, September 20, 2008
The difference between OCTs and me lies in time and money. OCTs have too little time and too much money. I have too much time and too little money.

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Gosh boys never grow up.

Example one: Longkuan and I went to Raffles Place yesterday because he wanted to buy his comics.

Example two: I ended up buying Pokemon cards.

See after sending Constance off at the airport, which by the way was only attended by 2.5 people (Crunch and me and Longkuan but he only counts as half because Constance eloped to the departure hall before he could arrive tsk tsk I believe she should have waited just a bit more after all the dude took the trouble to cab down but oh well), me and Longkuan went to City Hall because he wanted to collect the comics he had reserved at Comics Mart. And I being bored, decided to ask the salesperson if he sold individual trading card game cards. You should have seen the look on his face when he asked what game and I replied Pokemon. Anyway I'm pleased because I got a couple of holos, 11 to be precise, at 50 cents each. Apparently he couldn't wait to get rid of them. What a steal for me.

If you all have old holographic Pokemon cards which you want to sell, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
HELLO. As you may have noticed my blog has changed. Miraculously shed its previous drab image of black and white and is now adorned with beautifully cut pictures. Aside from the fact that it looks a bit girly, I think it looks all righty. Hope Mervin Ang doesn't mind though. Hahahaha even though he hasn't blogged in ages. I haven't seen the dude in ages too. Gotta dig him up from the deep recesses of Stagmont one of these days.

There's your update baby. :)


Phang & Mervin



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