Ph-ang's Private Property
strangers keep away
Sunday, May 18, 2008
I just read this article in todays' papers. You have no damn idea how much i miss reading. I've been so out of touch with the world that I didn't even know about the earthquake and cyclone. But anyway there was this article about fidelity and I thought it was interesting. And that the writer Chua Mui Hoong proved why the hell she's a senior editor by constructing a logical and scintillating piece of writing that made for interesting reading.

See basically the article revolves around the topic of men straying and whether or not it's an unavoidable force of nature or rather a permission of the will. And basically she came to the conclusion that while men are biologicall more susceptible to flings and straying, it is ultimately dependant on the individual's willpower.

Apparently men are more likely to stray simply because men can have millions of sperm and a woman can only have one egg at a time. And let's not forget that it's the women who get pregnant and has the responsibility of bringing up the kid while the men can just go on sowing more wild oats. And taking into account societal factors, it is somehow more acceptable for men to sleep around than women, for phildandering males are more often labelled as 'studs' while women are labelled as 'sluts'. Oh look that rhymed guess I still have a thing for rhyming. Anyway this just goes to show why it's much more likely for men to stray than women.


Good now that I have made myself clear, I fully agree with Chua's theory that it is ultimately a matter of choice. After all no one can physically force you to have an affair if you don't want to. And while men always tend to look at attractive women (yes all you guys who are reading this better admit it you bloody liars), it's one thing to steal a glance at the hottie walking past and another to really go and try to pick her up while your girlfriend is there. The reason why most of us (guys) don't attempt the second option is because we are not filandering fuckers :) I purposely switched the 'p' and the 'h' for extra effect haha.

Now that I'm done expressing my views for the first point of the day, I'm thinking if it's worth my effor to talk about how I feel about the little green men. And the answer is no. Hahaha.


Thursday, May 01, 2008
Labour day marks the start of the 5th month of the year and it has already been close to 4 months since i joined the army. that makes 18 months left. now that my signals course is ending in slightly more than 1 week, i once again await another posting order to decide which unit i will be going to. i suppose that will be the place i will stay at till Nov 09 ORD. miss my RJ friends, BMT friends, and gonna miss my SI friends too.

people are just going everywhere and it is hard to keep track of the whereabouts of everyone. i suppose some of us will just lose contact and bump into one another at some random supermarket 20 years later with our already-grown-up kids, like our parents do...

Moving on
It is my time.
You never were a friend of mine.
Hurt at first a little bit
But now I'm so over
I'm so over it..


Phang & Mervin



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