Ph-ang's Private Property
strangers keep away
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Now guys I'm pretty sure you all know I've never posted on the tagboard before and for good reason (I'm pretty sure that fuckface showed you all why) So well uh too bad for you fuckface it's not going to work haha. Try harder.

Here's a joke. Lol I think it's damn funny.

A woman walked into a shop with her 2 kids. The shopkeeper took one look at them and asked 'Are they twins?' The woman replied no and asked why. 'Oh that's because you were so ugly I couldn't believe you had sex twice'.

Finally Mervin Ang took you long enough haha. Ok these days have been a total drag. With absolutely nothing to do. At least I had a decent barbecue last night. Wah bloody nice. I didn't even know EVERYTHING was bought from Swiss Butchery. Which means everything was damn expensive. But it was nice.

And today I watched MANDY AND ME. Oops I mean Mandy and the Mighty Savers on Kids' Central. Ok shut up Jieliang I'm going to stop here. Just wanted to say that I think she's hot. That's all see now shut up already hahaha.

Anyway there isn't much shit to do at all. I need more friends. Or more friends who know each other. Because 2 guys go out very what the f.

Saturday, November 24, 2007
Havent been blogging for months, so long that i almost forgot my own password to login. Haha

This is it. Everything's officially over and we do not need to go back to this place called RJC anymore. A bit of joy, a bit of sadness, but mostly still feeling relieved that everything is over and we finally can get a break, that was certainly well-deserved. Surprisingly, the stress factor at As wasnt as bad as Prelims, but still the whole 2 years were nothing but work and more work, tests and more tests. I admit that there was not much of studying involved when i was in J1 but the PW cert i received yesterday reminded me of how much time and sweat i have put into PW haha. but it was a fun process with my teammates i guess, was quite lucky to get 4 girls in my group too~.~ hehe

After As on thursday, went to ECP for the 1st time in 2 yrs and i finally learnt how to cycle! Yay! haha need to thank my 3 classmates Jiahua garry and xuanhong for spending that 1 hr (i know i learn very fast haha) to give me free coaching. Went to Settlers for board games followed by Katong laksa and Lanning. Lol so many things accomplished in a day. It was wild and crazy but it's post-As so who cares...

Coming back to reality... i still have like 4 USapps essays; SAT II to prepare before December ends and NS awaits. Enlisting on 10th Jan: Anyone on the same day. Seemed that everyone i asked (not alot...) are either enlisting on the 9th or 11th. Hais... Such a short break.

>.< Tat's all folks from my boring life.

On another note...294 for PSLE is like damn pro. How on earth did someone get that kind of score.

Friday, November 23, 2007
I need an aim with life. There's really nothing much to do now. And to make matters worse there's nobody online with whom I can carry on a conversation with. Actually I hate to say it but there's really no one I can really talk to on MSN anyway. Which is sad. So I have to again dig into my memory vault to pluck out some random event to make me happier. And today I have chanced upon the song 'My Love'. No not the Neyo one but the Westlife one, the one that was really popular and which I tried to lip-synch to because it was cool to be listening to boybands during that time. But listening to the song brings back memories. Of sitting in the old HPPS hall in my small chubby frame and too small shorts trying to act cool. Lol. It's strange how a once innocent little chubby kid turned out like that.

Thursday, November 22, 2007
OK I'M ROTTING HERE AT HOME. I sound mildy dumb although most of you would argue that I'm usually acting like an idiot. Anyway I've just realized some shit.

Girls are suckers for sentimental things. Ok so girls are suckers. Anyway they have this really soft spot for sentimental shit. Alliteration unintended. So basically like making her a card with all the sweet-as-shit personalised stuff apparently owns like some expensive gift with chocolates. And they love lies. That doesn't mean they love liars. It means that they love being told how nice they look or how nice they smell (ok I think I'm the only one who smells girls) and all the other shit. Like how you should never tell the girl you like that you think she's having a fat day or something. You should just avoid the subject completely and if she asks just say she looks gorgeous (as usual). A little white lie never hurts anyone. The truth will hurt though. Probably will hurt you.

England got their asses WHOOPED AT WEMBLEY. VERY NICE. The odds for Croatia were 8.5 to 1. And the odds for England were 1.5 to 1. And England lost. It just goes to show you.

Anyway I'm listening to FACE DOWN now. It's about some guy hitting a woman and abusing her. In my opinion, you should try not to hit a woman. Well most of the time I try and I fail. Though I'm not sure if those beings in my class are really girls. I mean which girl doesn't LIKE SHOPPING. Anyway yup it's not right to hit a woman. Unless she hits you first. And try not to hit her face especially if she's pretty. I think girls have a right to be protected. Ok screw the Women's Charter and all that shit but still I guess it's not right to hit girls.

Quite the certified sweet-talker no? Haha.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Just watched Maggie and Me. I think I've finally realized why guys go gaga over Fiona Xie. I think it's not really her. For me anyway. I think her reprising her role as Maggie is damn nice. Like she's totally hot as this sharp-shooting, tough-talking, sarcasm-splattering babeee. And no matter how stupid the outfit sounds she manages to carry it off with panache, like a stupid polka dotted red blouse with red hot shorts. How does a girl look good in that. Ask her.

I'd love for her to read bedtime stories to me the way she told Adrian Pang some stupid shit about Mimi and Jasper. Oh and did I mention she was sitting on the bed.

Sunday, November 18, 2007
Well more fucking bloggies to entertain you all (and myself).

Favourite Color: Black. Which means all colours since you get black when you mix everything together.
Favourite Food: Free Food
Favourite Movie: Titanic

Favourite Sport: Footie. Hands down.
Favourite Day of the Week: None.
Favourite Season: None.
Favourite Ice Cream: None.

Mood: Fucked up and angry. Well nothing new there.
Clothes: Same old.
Current Desktop: Telephone, printer, speakers.
Current Time: Scroll down to see.
Surroundings: My house
Current Annoyances: Well a hell lot.
Current Thoughts: Fuck. Well ok that's not a thought but it's the predominant theme running through my head.

First Best Friend: Don't remember. First friend in RI was Benny though he never lets me forget that.
First Crush: Melinda. Haha it's ok she doesnt't read this I hope.
First Movie: Lion King
First Lie: Don't remember.
First Music: 90s Chinese songs

Last Drink: Water
Last Car Ride: Yesterday.
Last Crush: Do you think I'm stupid enough to tell you.
Last Phone Call: Neighbour.
Last CD Played: I don't have CDs. But if you mean tracks then 'Face Down' accoustic.

Have you evers?
Have you ever dated one of your best friends: No and I won't. Haha I won't bother elaborating on this one I mean just LOOK AT THEM. Ok actually only got like a few girls I'm close to but that doesn't change anything. Haha ok that was mean.
Have you ever broken the law : Nope.
Have you ever been arrested: Nope.
Have you ever been on TV: Nope.
Have you ever kissed someone you dont know: Nope.

5 things you are good at: I'm a totally useless person and I know it. Haha ok who am I kidding.
4 things you've done today: Nothing productive
3 things you can hear right now: 'Don't forget about us'. And that's it.

By the way Cheryl that last quiz was totally stupid I have no idea why you did it. In fact I have no idea why I did it either. This one's at least better so copy this haha.

Someday I swear I'll stab myself in the head.

Saturday, November 17, 2007
There's this group called 'boyceavenue'. Apparently they do accoustic covers of original songs. And they are crazy. Too good. Ok don't believe me check out their accoustic cover of 'Lovestoned'. It's amazing. Go youtube and find. Simply amazing.

I think class chalet is going to be a failure. Well I hate to say it but that's the way it seems. All the hype surrounding it (yes I'm guilty of it also but that's because I seriously have nothing planned after the exams) is going to be more than the thing itself. I don't even think everyone is going and even fewer people are staying over. Only Lim Min, Linus, Longkuan, Cheryl, Constance, Chloe and Jieliang are staying over. And besides there isn't really much shit to do there. I don't really want to do much, except pool and play football. Going like window-shopping would be pretty decent as well.

I think it's difficult to entertain people. Because people forget that you need entertainment also.

I have/had..
( ) smoked a cigarette
( ) smoked a cigar
(x) wasted money
( ) kissed a member of the same sex
(x) drank alcohol
(x) liked someone
( ) been dumped
( ) shoplifted
( ) been fired
(x)had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
( ) been arrested
( ) made out with a stranger
( ) gone out on a blind date
(x) had a crush on an older person
(x) lent others my bicycle
( ) slept with a co-worker
(x) seen someone/something die
( ) had/have a crush with one of your friends
( ) been to Paris
( ) been to Spain
(x) been on a plane
( ) thrown up from drinking
(x) eaten Sushi
( ) been snowboarding
( ) met someone BECAUSE of Maple
( ) been mosh pitting
( ) been in an abusive relationship
(x) taken pain killers
( ) love/like someone right now
(x) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
( ) made a snow angel
( ) had a tea party
( ) flown a kite
(x) built a sand castle
( ) gone puddle jumping
(X) played dress up (oh yes the nice little green uniform)
( ) jumped into a pile of leaves
( ) gone sledding
(x) cheated while playing a game
(x) been lonely
(x) fallen asleep at work/school
(X) used a fake/someone else's ID
(x) watched the sun set
( ) felt an earthquake
( ) killed a snake
(x) been tickled
( ) been robbed/vandalized
( ) robbed someone
(x) been misunderstood
( ) pet a reindeer.
(x) won a contest
( ) been suspended from school
(x) had detention
( ) been in a bicycle accident
( ) had/have braces
( ) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
(x) had deja vu
( ) danced in the moonlight
(x) hated the way you look
(x) witnessed a crime
( ) pole danced
(x) questioned your heart
( ) been obsessed with post-it notes
( ) squished barefoot through the mud
(x) been lost
( ) been to the opposite side of theworld
( ) swam in the ocean
(x) felt like you were dying
(x) cried yourself to sleep
(x) played cops and robbers
( ) recently coloured withcrayons/colored, pencils/markers.
(x) sang karaoke
(x) paid for a meal with only coins
(x) done something you told yourself you wouldn't
(x) made prank phone calls
(x) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
( ) written a letter to Santa Clause
( ) watched the sun setwith someone you care/cared about
(x) blown bubbles
(x) made a bonfire on the beach
( ) crashed a party
( ) have traveled more than 5 days with a car full of people
( ) gone roller skating/ blading
(x) had a wish come true
( ) humped a monkey
( ) worn pearls
( ) jumped off a bridge
( ) swam with dolphins
( ) got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer/ice cube
( ) kissed a fish
( ) worn the opposite sex clothes
(x) Sat on a roof top
(x) screamed at the top of your lungs
( ) can do a one-handed cartwheel( well that sucks.)
( ) talked on the phone for more than3 hours
(x) stayed up all night
( ) picked and ate an apple right off the tree
(X) climbed a tree
( ) had/been in a tree house
(x) afraid to watch scary movies alone.
(x) believe in ghosts
( ) have/had more than 30 pairs of shoes
( ) gone streaking
( ) been in jail

Lol I just read something very interesting about relationships. Boy likes girl. Boy doesn't show it. Boy makes fun of girl. Girl likes another boy. First boy gets angry. LOL.

Friday, November 16, 2007
Today was the first time I ate New York New York. And it's probably going to be the last time. Ok lah maybe I ordered the wrong thing. So maybe Bratswurst sausage with cheese and bacon wasn't exactly their best showing. But anyway it sucked. And the dinner cost 20 bucks. Which sucked too.

Thursday, November 15, 2007
I just caught like the last part of Titanic just now. Speaking of which I don't think I've ever caught the whole damn show before. Hmm. I flipped to Channel 5 and lo behold a whole ton of people in the ocean with ice all around. Like freezing cold. I was wondering how it would feel like in the ocean. Not nice I guess. And at the end a whole ton of people froze to death. Left poor Rose there by herself with Jack in rigor mortis state locked to her hand.

Hmm it's actually a more decent show than it's given credit for. I remember how we used to laugh at it back in the bus in P3. Ok so none of you were in my bus in P3, at least none of you reading this anyway but we use to mimic the part on the ship where Rose and Jack were standing there pretending they were flying or something. Well ok I admit we all thought it was stupid back then and ok even now but I think it's kind of romantic in a stupid way. Like standing on the ship with the glimmering rays of the setting sun in the background. I think it must be kind of nice. I bet every girl has this secret wish to be in Rose's place. Damn I'm beginning to get the female psychology.

According to Psychologist Phang, every girl has an innate craving for the utterly romantic, therefore inherently improbable, implausible and downright stupid, things. Which is why it's always best to buy a girl flowers even though you know they'll wilt in a few days and the money could be better spent on Pokemon trading cards, expensive Belgian chocolates which they complain will make them fat when in fact we don't really give a damn about how much their waists have grown by a grand total of 0.5 millimetres (what's a hot girl without thunder thighs anyway) and well sending stupid SMSes saying I'm thinking of you when you're actually thinking of how to nutmeg your opponent at the next football game. (Oh if you're thinking of her, it's highly probable that you're thinking of her in the buff but well it's not smart to say that) All girls are romantic in nature. Romanticists think with the heart, not the brain, which is a roundabout way of saying that they're stupid. Well tough luck if you find a girl who doesn't like the occasional emotional smothering of care and concern because then you're probably in deep shit.

Anyway now that I'm done with the written vomit, I'm pleased to say that I teared a bit at the end of Titanic. Even though I only watched 15 minutes of the show. It was kind of touching. I think the whole 1920s setting is pretty cool. Nostalgic.

Ok I'm here to ask you all a question. What's a dollar between friends?

The answer is a dollar. Now obviously if you said nothing you either don't study economics or are a sentimental fool. Anyway on to the next question. What's the only thing in the world you can't have enough of?

If you answered money, you obviously still don't take economics. Well that's because too much money will lead to INFLATION and inflation will mean that your money becomes worthless. The value of money decreases as the quantity of money increases, assuming ceteris paribus all other conditions which may prove this theory wrong.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Oh I watched MAGGI AND ME TODAY. ADRIAN PANG IS KING. He's my idol. Lol I seriously see myself in his character Johnny. Like some assclown doing shit all day. And Maggi reminds me of someone. I think she knows who she is. Stupid shit always rebutts everything I say everyday. Haha.

How the hell does one exude an intellectual yet beng aura. Ask Adrian Pang. The low-life in the upper echleons of society. He is THE MAN.

Jacky Cheung is also the man. Damn cool. Retro.

Blogger is screwing up. Thus it's making me angry. Thank you all you adoring fans. Thank you for supporting this blog. Thank you for visitng it everyday.

I have to do something about my anger problem. It's mounting up everyday and piling up. Lol I fricking need a boxing bag. Like just whack. I think violence is good. Oh well.

Wow number 14's actually like WAAAAY hotter than I thought she was. Today she was walking her dog and wearing short FBTs and showing off her oh-so-hot tanned legs. Could see her tanline also. Now tell me is that hot or not.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007
My brain is turning nuts. I have perennial headaches everyday. It's driving me up the wall. Lol I'm getting violent tendencies. Well so I thought I would release my stress by whacking a football. So I did. Well I was supposed to hit it between the trees but the trajectory of the ball was all wrong and it ended up in my neighbour's balcony, a cool 40m from the intended target.

And oh yes, I was (and am) still pissed with someone today. I know I wasn't exactly most tactful of me to well pass the phone on to someone else while you were whining but hey at least I bothered to do something. And I guess I was quite a jerk and apologised after that. And you could have just said you were studying and you weren't free or didn't feel like talking. I would have been totally cool with that.

Eh Cheryl Li go watch this. Apparently this guy is a Korean who sings Chinese songs. See if you recognise him.

Oh yeah Crunch hope your grandma's fine.

It's strange but every time I talk to you my tone of voice changes. Can't seem to talk to you like I'd talk to any other person. It's not like the type of uncomfortable feeling I get when I'm talking to someone I'm not close to or whom I'm uncomfortable with. It's like I'm scared of saying the wrong things. Even though there's really nothing to be afraid of. Haha.

The 'Love Metal' tattoo thing is pretty cool. Circle with heart and inverted triangle. But it was supposedly painful. 4 hours of pain. Bryan got his with wings. But I think his parents would be hopping mad if they found out. And I think it doesn't look nice on the chest. If I were to get one I would get it on the inside of my right ankle.

What the hell is wrong with people these days. I typed 'Love Metal' into Yahoo search engine pic and the first pic they come up with is some porn shit with no utter relation to the sign.

I think I'm going to spend one whole day kicking football after 'A's. And I don't mean playing I mean just kicking. Like whacking long balls over and over again until my ankle gives way, I run out of breath or the sky gets dark. Lol I think the second option seems the most likely.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Because thunder thighs are sexy. Hot. Fuck-inducing. You get the idea.

Monday, November 05, 2007
I need a girlfriend. I want a small tanned girl with a cute smile and thunder thighssssssss :] Gosh I can't even begin to list the merit of thunder thighs. But I think most of you will all be grossed out so never mind.

I promise to send her home (if she lives 15 minutes or less away from my house)
I promise to buy her dinner (if she buys me lunch)
I promise not to make her angry (if she doesn't irritate me)

Sometimes I amaze myself over and over again.

Saturday, November 03, 2007
I hope my hair grows long enough by December for me to wear a hairband. But highly unlikely. Think Luis Garcia. His hair is cool. Well his thumb-sucking celebration after he scores doesn't really add to the glam factor but hey maybe we could improvise with ear-digging or something haha. Gross huh. I hope my hair grows faster.

I need motivation to study. I need to cram all the organic chem knowledge into my brain before Monday. I think I should try sleeping with the notes under my pillow so the information can diffuse inside. Or maybe burn the notes and drink the water. Or maybe I should just cheat. Which is the least viable option of all since I don't even know where the shit to look for the correct information to cheat. Longkuan says that he's going to burn his complex number notes. I think not. Air pollution is enough. Anyway why in the blue hell did I take Chemistry. It's not as if my physical and inorganic Chemistry is that good anyway. But then if I didn't I wouldn't have gone to S07A and met all the assclowns there haha.

Oh yah Lim Min don't meow so much. Haha.


Phang & Mervin



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